our services

Marsh in fall

Pelvic Floor Health & Wellness

Holistic, customized care from an experienced professional

  • Cultivate the most optimal relationship with your deep core — including the muscles of the pelvic bowl, the abdomen, hips and lower back
  • Address bladder, bowel and sexual functioning in order to regain confidence and resume all the things you love in life
  • Build your team of support for wellbeing

See our Resources page for more information

Beach Sunset

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Subtle and all-encompassing bodywork unfolding from the source

  • Support wholeness in a profound way, addressing all the layers of your being
  • Discover your underlying template of health as we investigate a new or longstanding tissue injury
  • Create a healing environment to allow your nervous system to return to a balanced and capable state

See our Resources page for more information

Woods trail

Wellness Packages

Series of customized Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy sessions


  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy can take time to unfold – multiple sessions are recommended

  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a subtle and powerful modality, it moves at the pace determined by both your body, and the depth of safety between client and practitioner – like most relationships, this is strengthened with time and with ample space
  • By not taking shortcuts we avoid shortchanging ourselves the full potential of what kind of shifts and transformations are able to occur

*This depth of work, and commitment to healing is not a fit for every client

Reach out if you think this option may serve you and for more detail

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Consultation Options

Questions about treatment style, session types, or scheduling?


We want to have the absolute best match and will refer you to another wonderful provider if this is most appropriate

  • Free of charge, 15-minute phone call – put yourself on my schedule before committing to a session or program or,
  • Schedule a shorter session, generally about a half-hour  ($40 payment requested), to discuss treatment options, medical history and goals This serves to offer a trauma-informed environment prior to commencement of hands-on modalities and can also serve to define expectations for both patient and practitioner